Business Issues

2015 Policy Recommendations

Provided are the 2015 policy recommendations (click to read) of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce. Most of these policies focus on building a better West Virginia by enacting legal reforms and providing for added business tax relief, creating incentives to grow small businesses and spur start-up ventures, opposing anti-employer union bills and changing unfair, out-of-step laws that have eroded the state’s ability to preserve and grow job opportunities. In addition, this year's policy recommendations cover a number of key federal issues.

Business Advocacy

The West Virginia Chamber's business advocacy and issues program works with business leaders throughout the state to promote key business policy matters and to support job retention and creation. The Chamber is the business community's voice in the halls of government for policies and laws that promote business enterprise. The organization also serves as the best insurance against laws and regulations that stifle business profitability. Member companies are kept informed on legislative matters that impact business, are directed in helping to make positions known to legislators and are involved in shaping the business agenda.


Among the victories over the past few years of the West Virginia Chamber and its members have been the enactment of major reforms to and privatization of the state's Workers’ Compensation system, reduction in business taxes, passage of several insurance and legal-reform measures, a solution to the state's medical malpractice crisis, creation of added health insurance options, stoppage of onerous labor-backed measures (captive communications, mandatory overtime prohibitions) and tax relief for the technology services industry.


"Every day, the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce works to make West Virginia a better place to do business by giving private-sector employers a voice in state politics and protecting business interests before regulatory bodies, the Legislature, and the courts."